Training on design and development of cabinets

Training on design and development of cabinets

Once the performance of equipment is comparable, competition within the market is created. Manufacturers begin to compete on performance and aspire to be the best in the market. End users also drive this process by purchasing the best performing and most economic equipment in a bid to reduce energy, money and carbon emissions.

As the market becomes more competitive it becomes important to improve performance of equipment to remain viable. Evidence from domestic energy labelling demonstrates the change in performance that occurred over time. When energy labelling was first introduced (~25 years ago) very few appliances were labelled as an ‘A’ and most were less efficient than a ‘D’ label. Over time as the performance levels were tightened the market moved to there being mainly ‘A’ and ‘B’ rated cabinets. More recently almost all appliances are rated at ‘A’ or better. This shows how the market changes once performance levels are clear to all actors in the market. Similar trends are beginning to show in the professional cabinet market as manufacturers begin to compete on energy performance.

Improving performance of a refrigerated cabinet/appliance requires an understanding of the operation of the refrigeration system, heat transfer across the cabinet/appliance structure and air flow within and around the cabinet/appliance. RD&T can help manufacturers to better understand the performance of refrigeration equipment and to identify the best methods to improve performance. Help can be provided via training courses (at the manufacturers’ premises or RD&T) or can consist of ongoing technical assistance as improvements are made by the manufacturer. Most of our courses are bespoke and completely tailored to the needs of the trainees.

If you would like further information on training and how we can help you optimise the performance of your refrigeration cabinet or system please contact Judith Evans or Alan Foster at RD&T ( or

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